Comparative Website Content Analysis of Accredited Hospitals Engaging in Medical Tourism Activities

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Health Tourism, Medical Tourism, Accreditation, Website Content Analysis, JCI


This study was conducted in order to compare the contents of the websites, which are one of the most effective means of reaching international patients, of hospitals with JCI certificate serving within the scope of medical tourism in Turkey and in the world.
In the research, a total of 25 hospitals, 5 of which have JCI certificates operating in the United Arab Emirates, Japan, Spain, Israel and Turkey, which are among the top 10 countries in the world in medical tourism in terms of the number of accredited hospitals, were selected. Again in the study; Maifredi et al. The website content analysis scale, which was developed by Birdir & Buzcu in 2010 and adapted to Turkish in 2014 and whose validity and reliability studies were conducted, was used.
As a result of this study, it has been determined that the website contents of the hospitals that provide services and are examined in leading countries in the field of medical tourism in Turkey and in the world are quite inadequate. In particular, it has been observed that the information on "Finding the entrance certificate provided for the disabled", "Finding the notification of the number of people visiting the site", "Public relations office", "Finding the waiting list", and "Finding Theo current version of the waiting list" is not azalabile on the websites. In the last section, taking into account the findings and results of the study, suggestions are given for hospital websites to have up-to-date, comprehensive and accurate information.


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How to Cite

BEYLİK, U., & TURAN, H. (2023). Comparative Website Content Analysis of Accredited Hospitals Engaging in Medical Tourism Activities. PEARSON JOURNAL, 8(24), 247–259.




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