Connotative Equivalence in Literary Translation

Konotasyonun Çeviride Yansıması

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Connotation, Translation, Equivalent, Semantics, Association, Culture


The article deals with the issue of equivalency – the correct submission of language units with the connotative semantics in the translated texts. It is noted that the words of the different languages that are relevant on the denotate, i.e. denoting the same subject might differ from the standpoint of the connotative semantics – associative appraisal because of the differences between the national cultures. Presentation of the connotative semantics that reflects the national peculiarities just the way it is during translation of the artistic works is one of the conditions of the correct  translation in that regard. The article refers the problems emerging during the translation of the appraisal vocabulary – the words with the connotative meaning – in the artistic texts. Difficulties arising during the accurate translation of the national-cultural connotation differing from the standpoint of the associative appraisal and their reasons are indicated. The special attention is also given to the problem of the accurate presentation of meanings of the words with the connotative semes during the translation of artistic works into the unrelated languages. As a result, the author concludes that a translator must know very well not only the culture of the other language but also the native culture in order to reveal the cultural connotations of the  original language and achieve the connotative equivalence, and a translator must properly understand the author’s intention.


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How to Cite

BAYLAROVA, A. (2023). Connotative Equivalence in Literary Translation: Konotasyonun Çeviride Yansıması. PEARSON JOURNAL, 8(25), 430–436.


