Monogram Logo Design Within The Scope Of Design Education

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Graphic Design, Typography, Abstraction, Logo Design, Design Education


Today, typographies created with communication and design have become an integral part of our lives. Designing letters and giving new shapes enable the design to reach both visual and semantic value. Accordingly, it involves taking the basic form of the letters and creating an original and artistic representation to distort, stylize or transform it.

In this research, it is aimed to reveal how the monogram logo design is created with typographic abstraction methods. In order to see the effects of this method in creating a monogram logo design, a project was carried out with the students who took the Introduction to Communication Design and Management 2 course in the Department of Communication Design and Management. In the project, the letters were abstracted from the initials of the student names and the processes of creating the monoram logo design with the designed forms were examined. This study is considered important in terms of the students' tendencies about typographic abstractions and the conscious creation of monogram logo designs. At the end of the study; It was seen how the monogram logo design came to the fore with an approach from concrete typography to abstract typography.


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How to Cite

DEMİRKALE KUKUOĞLU, O. C. (2023). Monogram Logo Design Within The Scope Of Design Education. PEARSON JOURNAL, 8(25), 567–579.


