People, Digital Activism and Migration from an Intercultural Communication Perspective

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Intercultural Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Digital Activism, Migration


This study aims to investigate digital activism and migration phenomena in terms of interpersonal and intercultural communication. Communication, digital activism and migration phenomena were evaluated according to the principles and principles of the functionalist approach, one of the modern sociological theories. The functionalism approach is an approach that sees the functioning of the social structure as a whole and characterizes each social structure as a part of the system. Digital activism is the use of digital networks in addition to traditional methods in social movements. The phenomenon of migration is the act of moving from one place to another, leaving the current living space of individuals or groups for political, social or economic reasons. The common point of migration and digital activist actions, in which individuals or communities act together, is the (social) processes and structures that people influence and are affected by. At this point, interpersonal-intercultural activities are very important in terms of both the structure of the system and the causality relations of the actions. In this context, the phenomena of migration and digital activism were examined in line with the interpersonal and intercultural dimensions of communication and the functionalist approach. It is thought that the research will contribute to the literature in fields such as communication, sociology and anthropology due to its multidisciplinary content.


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How to Cite

ERGÜL GÜVENDİ, N. (2023). People, Digital Activism and Migration from an Intercultural Communication Perspective. PEARSON JOURNAL, 8(25), 618–624.


