Investigation of Vocational School Student's Attitudes To Mathematics Courses Conducted With Distance Education

Abstract views: 150


  • Cahit TAŞDEMİR Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi/Tatvan MYO



Vocational School, Distance Education, Mathematics Education, Face-To-Face Education, Attitude



The pandemic epidemic in our country, as well as all over the world, has deeply affected the education system. In this process, it is thought that students' attitudes are important in order to provide the most effective education in mathematics courses that are compulsorily given via distance education. For this reason, the purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of vocational school students towards mathematics courses given via distance education during the pandemic period. For this purpose, the data of the research were collected with the "Distance Education Attitude Scale" developed by Ağır et al. (2008). A descriptive survey model, which is a quantitative method, was adopted in the research. The participants of the research were 93 students enrolled in different programs of Tatvan Vocational School and taking the mathematics course remotely. The research was conducted in the fall semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. The data of the study were analyzed with independent samples t-test and single-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA). As a result of the analysis; It has been determined that students have a negative attitude towards mathematics courses given via distance education. In addition, it was determined that the students' attitude levels towards mathematics did not show a significant difference according to the variables of gender, type of high school graduated, department, internet availability, duration of internet use, type of connection to the course and prior knowledge about distance education. In the study, it was determined that students generally expressed the opinion that face-to-face interaction is necessary for the best education in mathematics courses and that distance education cannot replace traditional education.


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How to Cite

TAŞDEMİR, C. (2023). Investigation of Vocational School Student’s Attitudes To Mathematics Courses Conducted With Distance Education. PEARSON JOURNAL, 8(26), 905–919.


