The Relationship Between Occupatıonal Therapy And Separation Anxiety And Sensory Profiles Of Children With Premature Birth History

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Occupational Therapy, Prematurity, Separation Anxiety, Sensory Profile


This study aims to examine the relationship between occupational therapy and separation anxiety and sensory profiles of children with a history of prematurity. The parents of a total of 90 children, 45 premature and 45 term-born children between the ages of 5 and 7 years. The group of children born prematurely was defined as the "research group" and the group of children born at term was defined as the "control group". Sociodemographic Information Form, Dunn Sensory Profile Caregiver Questionnaire, Separation Anxiety Scale and KIDSCREEN Health-Related Quality of Life Scale were used as data collection tools. The findings of the study show that there are directional moderate relationships between sensory profile registration levels and fear of abandonment and separation anxiety scale levels. Negative moderate relationships were found between fear of being alone, fear of abandonment and separation anxiety scale levels. Negative moderate relationships were found between sensitivity and fear of being alone, fear of abandonment and separation anxiety scale levels. Negative moderate relationships were found between avoidance and fear of being alone, fear of abandonment and separation anxiety scale levels. The results revealed that there were negative relationships between sensory processing skills and separation anxiety levels of premature infants. As sensory processing skills increase, fear of being alone, fear of abandonment and separation anxiety decrease. In this context, it is important to provide training to families with premature infants on coping with separation anxiety as well as improving sensory processing skills. Families can be provided with practical information on establishing a healthy bond with their babies and supporting this process; in addition, families in need can be directed to counseling services.


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How to Cite

KABACA, H., & ASQAROVA, T. (2024). The Relationship Between Occupatıonal Therapy And Separation Anxiety And Sensory Profiles Of Children With Premature Birth History. PEARSON JOURNAL, 8(27), 955–975.