An Analysis Of Sait Faik Abasıyanık’s Short Story Fındık İn The Context Of Marxist Criticism

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Fındık, Short Story, Marxist Criticism, Sait Faik Abasıyanık, Society


Literary science aims to explain the meanings created by the structures and phenomena shown explicitly or implicitly in an author’s work. The language used by society reflects its cultural characteristics and has become a structure and code. The language used in a literary work can reflect the political or historical aspects of the society’s cultural infrastructure. Marxist criticism analyses the social structure, class differences, and the relationships between conflicting forces, as well as the reflections of economic, political, and social institutions in works of literature. According to Marxist criticism, the literary text itself concretizes the structures in society. This study analyses Sait Faik Abasıyanık’s short story Fındık in the context of economic and social relations, using Marxist theory of criticism. The characters in the story are used to explain the relations created by economic conditions. The objective of this study is to analyze the substructure and superstructure relations in the work within the context of Marxist criticism and the author’s attitude towards the general ideology in society, while adhering to the scientific principles of literary science.


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How to Cite

ACAR, Y. (2024). An Analysis Of Sait Faik Abasıyanık’s Short Story Fındık İn The Context Of Marxist Criticism. PEARSON JOURNAL, 8(27), 1126–1138.