“Mixed Methods Research” from a Scientific Study Perspective
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Scientific Research, Mixed Method, Pragmatism, Paradigm, Quantitative-Qualitative ApproachAbstract
Scientific research as a way to reach scientific knowledge is carried out based on different philosophical assumptions. Quantitative and qualitative methods, which form the basis of scientific research, have been shaped according to the perspectives of the positivist and interpretative paradigm. Pragmatism-based mixed method research, which is preferred as a third way instead of quantitative or qualitative researches, is accepted as a different way of reaching scientific knowledge. The mixed method has integrated quantitative and qualitative research methods using different research designs. In this way, mixed method research, which enables the handling of events and facts in a multidimensional way, has provided a more comprehensive answer to research questions. In the research, the functions of the method are revealed with different features than quantitative and qualitative methods in order to handle the mixed method in a holistic manner. In addition, by describing mixed method research designs, the possibilities of combining quantitative and qualitative methods were explained. As a result of the research, it was determined that the combination of quantitative and qualitative methods of the mixed method enriches the research data and provides opportunities to develop alternative ways to solve research problems. Shaping mixed method research designs with time and paradigm-oriented distinctions provided the researcher with freedom in planning the study process; It was stated that comprehensive results can be obtained by complementing the quantitative and qualitative research findings.
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