A Research on Agency Experiences of Vocational High School Students within the Scope of Graphics Workshop Course
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Girls’ Vocational High School, Agency Experiences, Department of Graphics, Business Skills, Vocational and Technical EducationAbstract
In this research, observing the agency experiences of the students of the graphic department of vocational high schools; it is aimed to reveal the problematic aspects and successes of the system and to offer suggestions. Professional development of the students of the graphics department, internship opportunities, field application practice, their role in raising qualified personnel for the sector are the topics of this study.
Research 10 students who graduated from the Graphic Department of Boztepe Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School in Altınordu district in Ordu province by taking the experience of the agency established in the 2017-2018 academic year constituted the study group of the study. The research was designed as a case study according to the qualitative approach. The agency experiences of the students were obtained through a semi-structured interview form consisting of non-directive questions prepared by experts. In the analysis of the students' answers to the interview questions, using the content analysis technique, codes, categories, themes were created and tabulated with frequency values.
Within the scope of the research, the researcher established a school agency and observed the development of the students until they graduated. It is aimed for the students of the graphic department to have a well-equipped structure with the workshop where they work under agency discipline. It has been observed that students gain many features such as gaining the characteristics of the work culture, the ability to cope with problems, being practical and fast, and being able to act in harmony with their colleagues. In the research, it was revealed that students' levels of motivation, teaching, willingness and readiness were high with school agency work. It is thought that students will be able to respond positively to the needs of the sector with the knowledge and experience they have gained through their agency experience.
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