Analysis Of Magazines Appealing 3-6 Years In Terms Of Basİc Science Concepts
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Early Childhood, Children's Journals, Basic Science Concepts, Scientific Process SkillsAbstract
Preschool children are curious, inquisitive, imaginative and inquisitive. Based on these curiosity and research feelings of children, the adults around them can increase their scientific knowledge and improve their thinking skills. Children between the ages of 3-6 can understand and recognize the world they live in, their environment, plants and animals only through illustrated magazines/books, storybooks and fairy tales. Only in this way can the child learn by seeing new objects, living things and nature in a fun way that he has never seen before. Considering that children in this age group are very open to perception and learning, it is better understood how important the concepts presented in magazines and books are for child development.
In this study, it was aimed to examine the way, rates and characteristics of science concepts in magazines that appeal to children aged 3-6. In line with this main purpose, children's journals published in 2016-2017 were first scanned using the qualitative research method, and 7 journals suitable for children aged 3-6 were included in the study group. Through Basic Science Concepts and Science Journal Review Form, these journals were analyzed in line with 4 main concepts and descriptive analysis was made in terms of content features according to the subtitles of subject, heroes, language and expression. One of the most interesting results of the research is that subjects related to physical sciences are given little or no coverage in all journals. Scientific researches state that one of the aims of preschool education programs is to take the first step towards physical sciences such as matter, heat and temperature. However, the subjects covered in the 7 children's journals under review show that they do not sufficiently support the physical science concepts. Life sciences (64.15%), Health (19.48%), Earth and space (11.16%) and physical sciences (5.19%) were included. According to the subjects, it was determined that the most animals (30.90%), followed by health (19.48%) and ecology (15.84%) sub-headings were included in the journals. It was determined that a total of 385 concepts were used in 2016 and 2017.
Keywords: Early childhood, children's journals, basic science concepts, scientific process skills
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