The Importance of Awareness of Mathematical Communicatıon Skills in Mathematics Education

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Mathematics, Mathematical Communication, Mathematics Education, Mathematics Training


Mathematics education and training is a process aimed at developing students' mathematical skills and understanding. In this process, mathematical communication skills play a crucial role. Mathematical communication skills enable students to understand, express, discuss, and explain mathematical concepts. Therefore, the importance of students' awareness of their mathematical communication skills is significant.

Mathematical communication skills assist students in expressing their mathematical thinking and understanding others' mathematical thoughts. Effective mathematical communication allows students to communicate proficiently during problem-solving processes. It requires students to express their ideas clearly and coherently, use mathematical terminology accurately, and develop logical mathematical arguments.

The importance of students' awareness of their mathematical communication skills in mathematics education can be viewed from several perspectives. Firstly, mathematical communication skills enable students to gain a better understanding of mathematical concepts. Communication allows students to articulate concepts and comprehend different approaches from others. This helps students deepen their mathematical thinking and establish a solid foundation.

Secondly, mathematical communication skills support students' learning processes. Students expressing their mathematical thoughts and understanding others' ideas foster classroom interaction and collaboration. Activities such as group work, discussions, and presentations enable students to enhance their mathematical communication skills and benefit from different perspectives.

Lastly, mathematical communication skills empower students to utilize mathematical thinking in real-life situations. Mathematics provides skills for solving and analyzing problems encountered in everyday life.


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How to Cite

ATAY, H. (2023). The Importance of Awareness of Mathematical Communicatıon Skills in Mathematics Education. PEARSON JOURNAL, 8(24), 164–176.


