The Effect of Timely Online Feedback on Student Achievement

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Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Feedback Timing, Feedback, Online Feedback


Purpose: In this study, it was investigated whether timely online feedback in the Faculty of Education 2nd grade Scientific Research Methods course has an effect on students' academic achievement.

Design/Methodology/Approach:  The study was designed as a quasi-experimental model with pretest-posttest control group by determining experimental and control groups. The sample consisted of 82 students with two groups of 41 students each at the same level. The lessons were taught by the researcher for nine weeks with the students in the experimental and control groups using the traditional method according to the learning objectives. In this study, a pre-test was administered to measure the levels of both groups before the experimental procedure and a post-test was administered after the experimental procedure. Independent samples t-test, dependent samples t-test, and effect size analysis were used to statistically evaluate the data.

Findings: According to the findings obtained in this study, according to the posttest mean scores of the experimental and control groups, a significant difference was found in favor of the experimental group with a medium effect size.

Highlights: As timely online feedback contributes to student success; similar research can be generalized by applying similar studies to student populations at different levels and to face-to-face and distance learning processes.


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How to Cite

GÜNEY, Z. (2023). The Effect of Timely Online Feedback on Student Achievement. PEARSON JOURNAL, 8(25), 705–716.


