Effects of Globalization On Culture

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Globalization, Culture, Homogenization, Polarization, Hybridization


Globalization, which is named as one of the most important phenomena of today, dates back to the ancient times of human history, to the first acts in which people left their fields and interacted with different cultures. With this feature, the concept, traces of which are found in every moment of the history of civilization, is a power that transforms the world in the 20th century, which is woven with developments in communication and technology, during the years of rapid political, social and economic changes. Today, when the concept of the nation-state is questioned, transnational organizations become effective, and changes are experienced in time and space perception with developing technology, the effect of globalization is remarkable. Globalization, which has caused transformation in all areas of societies from politics to economy, has also been effective on culture. In the universal culture where the weight of the capitalist system has increased and the circulation of cultural products has accelerated, local cultures have changed. What happened as a result of cultures encountering other cultures has been expressed in various theses on the cultural consequences of globalization. The homogenization thesis, which defends that globalization will integrate world cultures, the polarization thesis that approaches the process negatively and states that cultures will come face to face in order to preserve the authenticity of local cultures, and the hybridization thesis, which brings together two views at a common point, and predicts that a hybrid integrity will be formed, reflect their perspectives against the cultural effects of globalization.


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How to Cite

UĞUR, U., & UĞUR, İlkay. (2023). Effects of Globalization On Culture. PEARSON JOURNAL, 8(27), 1157–1171. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10852685