Methods Used in the Art Education Learning Process

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Art, Art Education, Learning Process, Mixed Method, Technique


There are many research and teaching methods that aim to develop and encourage individual creativity. Because individuals benefit from flexible learning opportunities and participation in inclusive workspaces. The field of art education is considered to be the most informative and effective branch in developing the creative abilities of the individual throughout the educational process from the beginning of education. Through art education, individuals gain the ability to develop their creative skills and approach problems from a multifaceted perspective. In this sense, the use of different methods and techniques in the process of art education and learning through art draws attention. The methods and techniques developed in this direction are already available in the system and can be updated and used by educators in the process. If these studies are carried out and planned under the control of the teacher and the student, the learning process will be more effective and the course objectives will be achieved. Programs and plans are designed to develop and transform children at all levels of education. In this context, structured methods and techniques are used.  Art education plays an important role in developing children's creativity and skills, regardless of their physical development. Images that abstractly represent an individual's mental processes play an important role in their cognitive abilities. Developing individuals' creativity and aesthetic sensibility from their early years will help them become creative and productive people who will later appreciate the beauty of their environment. In an area as important as art education, this is an issue that needs to be emphasized. The fact that art education deals with cognitive, affective and psychomotor areas suggests that there are many variables and that these variables can coexist with students. For this reason, it is important to introduce different methods and techniques to educational systems and programs and to use these methods in the art education process. Thus, by overcoming his prejudices against art, the individual becomes an effective art consumer who is interested in art, can approach criticism with respect, and has opposing views. In this context, the study aims to highlight the methods used in the art education learning process by focusing on the arguments of contemporary educational philosophy. In order to provide the necessary data for the research, national and international studies were used, and theses, articles, meetings and conferences were transferred to the digital environment. The information sought and obtained was included in the researches and the art education learning process was emphasized.

Keywords: Art, Art Education, Learning Process, Method, Technique


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How to Cite

PARSIL, Ümit, & KILIÇ, A. G. (2024). Methods Used in the Art Education Learning Process. PEARSON JOURNAL, 8(28), 1196–1211.