The Relationship Between The Levels Of Interest In Art of Nurses Working In Children's Clinics and Their Use of Art Therapy
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Art Threapy, Nurse, ChildAbstract
Studies on nurses' level of interest in art have been examined, and it is not known to what extent pediatric nurses' level of interest in art is and the relationship between this and their use of art therapy methods. Therefore, this study examines the relationship between levels of interest in art and use of art therapy. This research is descriptive and relationship-seeking type. The population of the research consists of nurses working at Samsun Gynecology and Children's Hospital and Ondokuz Mayıs University Hospital. R v3.6.1 program was used for Power analysis in the research, and it was calculated that 52 samples would be sufficient (Süt, 2011; Champely, 2020). Criteria for inclusion in the research; It was determined by being over 18 years of age, participating in the research voluntarily, and being actively working in pediatric clinics. The study was conducted with 70 pediatric nurses who met the inclusion criteria and participated in the research voluntarily. The data of the research was collected between February 1 and April 20, 2023. In the study, a data form including socio-demographic and art therapy usage situations and the Art Interest Scale were used as data collection tools. In this study, it was determined that nurses with a high level of interest in art used art therapy methods in the clinics where they worked. In addition, it was seen that they used painting techniques and music therapy methods most among the art therapy methods. As a result of this study, it may be recommended to provide training to nurses working in pediatric clinics to increase their skills and attitudes towards art therapy.
Key Words: Art Therapy, Nurse, Child
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