Belasi Valley in Terms of Nature and Eco Tourism

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Kayseri, Belasi, Ötedere, Eco Tourism


Belasi Valley, located very close to Kayseri city center, has an important potential with its historical and natural beauties. Our main aim in this study is to reveal the tourism potential of the Belasi Valley and to contribute to a sustainable, conservation-oriented tourism activity in the valley. In this research, firstly, a literature review was conducted and previous studies were examined. Travel-observation and interview methods were used in the research. Interviews were held with the local people and information about the valley was collected, and then observations were made in the field to determine its touristic potential and to determine the ecosystem and touristic features of the valley. As a result of all these studies, subjects and areas that may have tourism value were determined and necessary analyzes were made and suggestions were tried to be made in order to provide the necessary conditions for the area to be opened to tourism. There are underground cities, caves, rock churches, rock tombs, chamber tombs and tumulus in the valley. In addition, the presence of vegetation, paths and waterfalls in the valley increases the tourism potential. Opening the region to tourism will be an alternative tourism source for Kayseri and a source of income for the region. One of the most important dangers in the region is construction. This construction destroys the historical texture of the region and negatively affects wildlife. Organizing the walking paths in the valley, placing direction signs and ensuring security will make this deserted valley, which is very close to the city center, an important place where people can walk on weekends.


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How to Cite

DURMUŞ , Önder, & DURMUŞ, Çiğdem. (2024). Belasi Valley in Terms of Nature and Eco Tourism. PEARSON JOURNAL, 8(30), 1786–1799.