Science Teachers' Views On The Teaching of the 6th Grade Unit 'systems in our Body'

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Science Curriculum, Systems in Our Body Unit, Science Teachers, Teachers' Views, Maarif Model


Science teaching programmes are renewed according to changing needs and innovations in teaching approaches as a result of changes and developments experienced. The outcomes of the programme are linked to the previous learning outcomes that present the knowledge and skills associated with providing meaningful and sustained learning, guiding the use of meta-cognitive skills and providing a relationship to life. Changes are made to the programme as necessary to maintain these qualities. The last change was made in 2024 under the name of the Turkish Century Education Model. One of the changed units is the unit "Systems in Our Body and Health", which was the sixth unit of the 6th grade in the previous programme. The purpose of this study is to examine the opinions of science teachers, who believe that the time allocated for the achievement of the 'Systems in Our Body and Health' unit of the 6th grade of the 2018 Science Course Curriculum is insufficient, regarding the teaching of this unit. In the study, which was conducted using a qualitative method, interviews were conducted with six science teachers. The data obtained from the interviews were subjected to descriptive analysis. The results show that five of the teachers who participated in the study found the time for the circulatory system insufficient, while one teacher found the time for all systems insufficient. Regarding the reasons why the time given for the unit outcomes was insufficient, most of the teachers stated that the subject concepts were difficult and heavy for the students. As a solution, some of the teachers suggested that the difficult and complex systems should be given in the higher grades and the easier and more understandable systems in the lower grades.


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How to Cite

BÜYÜKBAYRAKTAR, F. N., & AKSOY GÜREL, B. (2024). Science Teachers’ Views On The Teaching of the 6th Grade Unit ’systems in our Body’. PEARSON JOURNAL, 8(30), 1846–1855.