Affiliation To A Section In Fiqh An evaluation of the Provision

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Islamic Law, Sect, Imitation, Ijtihad, Judgment



Imitation and adherence to a sect have been one of the important issues discussed by the Islamic Law Practitioners. The subject of our article is imitation and the necessity of being affiliated with a sect. As a matter of fact, imitation is an important issue with its definition made as being subject to the opinion of others without evidence, its reasons and its effects on Islamic belief principles and fiqh. Discussion of imitation goes back as long as the discussion of ijtihad. Imitation, which has an important place in the works written on the Islamic legal procedure, has been discussed and examined together with the issue of ijtihad. In the religion of Islam, the existence of a mujtahid in every century in terms of fiqh has been considered as a fard kifâya. Although this is the case, Usûl-i Din and Usûl-i Fiqh, that is, “asleyn”, have always produced solutions to the emerging issues of Muslims by using a systematic methodology. However, nowadays, it has become very difficult to perform the whole life by adhering to a sect. Sects are also important in terms of providing practical solutions. Therefore, the medicine/needs of the time necessitate a union of relations between sect. Fatwa committees also care about this issue and apply to inter-sectarian judgments by using the institution of ijtihad in order for Muslims to continue their lives of worship and treatment in a healthy way. In our study, we examined the phenomenon of imitation and adherence to a sect from history to the present by making text analysis within the framework of basic texts.


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How to Cite

YILMAZ, T. (2023). Affiliation To A Section In Fiqh An evaluation of the Provision. PEARSON JOURNAL, 8(23), 66–74.


