Risk Assessment And Control In Accounting And Financıal Consultancy Offices

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Occupational Health and Safety, Kayseri, Checklist, Financial Advisory Offices, Offices, Risk Assessme


In this study, occupational health and safety risk assessment and control studies were carried out in three financial consultancy offices operating in Kayseri. Within the scope of the study, potential hazards, risks, important protection policies for offices, and occupational accident and occupational disease statistics for opticians are presented. The checklist method was used in risk assessment applications and the Checklists for Offices published by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security were used. According to the results of the application, it has been observed that the offices do not have any major deficiencies in occupational health and safety and take the necessary measures in accordance with the relevant regulation. On the other hand, it is seen that there are deficiencies in some issues in offices, especially due to working with screened tools. According to the risk control plans prepared for the offices where the application is made, an average budget of 10,000 TL is needed to make the offices safer.

Author Biography

Hatice Efsun BAYKAN, hikmet kozan ortaokulu

Adı Soyadı     : Hatice Efsun BAYKAN

Doğum Yeri    : Çankırı

Yabancı Dili   : İngilizce

Eğitimi            : Fakülte (Türkçe Öğretmenliği)

Üniversite       : Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi

Mesleği           : Türkçe Öğretmeni

Görev Yeri      : Hikmet Kozan Ortaokulu

Telefon No     : 0 (506) 648 92 80

Mail Adresi     : efsunerengun@hotmail.com

Adres              : Kocatepe Mahallesi, Dağdelen Sokak, Kandil Apartmanı No: 20/5 Melikgazi/KAYSERİ


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How to Cite

SÜLE, B., BAYKAN, H. E., VAROL, S. . B., AYANA, G., ÖZALAN, P., ÇITIRIK, Y., MERCAN, M., & KILIÇ, B. (2024). Risk Assessment And Control In Accounting And Financıal Consultancy Offices. PEARSON JOURNAL, 8(28), 1403–1450. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11622738

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