A Systematic Review on Examining the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Method

Bipolar Disorder, Cognitive Behavioral TherapyAbstract
The aim of this review study is to examine the use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in individuals with Bipolar Disorder. In this study, the systematic review method was used and no field study or any scale was used. Randomized controlled studies conducted in only English between 2001 and 2023 in the Google Scholar database, whose abstracts or full texts can be accessed with linkled keywords, were evaluated. This compilation study was carried out in two stages: February, 2024 and May, 2024. As a result of the literature review, 7 studies were considered. The 7 studies commented are randomized controlled trials. As a result of 7 studies, it was observed that CBT treatment had a positive effect on BD patients. The findings of this review concluded that cognitive behavioral therapy plays an accelerating role in recovery and is an effective method to achieve results in a short time.
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